Trucking With Bracham

Hi! My name is Bracham Holfeld, and I've been called "The Trucker Who Can Read!" I've been working the last few years as a truck driver instructor, and have recently been asked by some students to make available some instructions I've typed up.

I've put this site together to host some pages of step by step instructions to help my students get through the training process smoothly. Anything included here would also be good reference material for anyone who already is a professional driver and could use some refreshing on details. Instructional sheets will be linked below in both HTML (web) format and downloadable PDF format, as I get them put together.

Web Versions

Tips for any professional driver

Air tests

Coupling and uncoupling procedures

Splitting gears

Downloadable PDFs

Pretrip Inspection

Air tests

Air tests short form

Coupling and uncoupling procedures

Splitting gears